Grammarly vs Hemingway - Which Writing Tool is Better for You

August 16, 2021

Grammarly vs. Hemingway - Which Writing Tool is Better for You

When it comes to writing, we could all use a little bit of help trying to make our words sparkle. That's where writing tools like Grammarly and Hemingway come in, with promises of better grammar, excellent readability, and compelling communication. But which one is the better choice for you?



  • Grammarly is a proofreading and editing tool that uses AI (artificial intelligence) to correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and even context errors.

  • It detects passive voice, non-inclusive language, and other nuances that can affect reader impressions.

  • This tool works with various web applications, such as Google Docs, Word, and even social media like Facebook and Twitter.

  • It provides feedback on vocabulary, suggesting synonyms that improve writing clarity and impact.


  • Grammarly's free version has limitations in terms of editing functionalities.

  • For full access to its features, users have to opt for the premium subscription that is a bit expensive.



  • Hemingway is an editing tool developed to adjust writing to a crisp and clear style, ideal for internet reading.

  • It provides automated feedback on readability, focus, and use of active and passive voice.

  • This tool highlights lengthy and complex sentences, suggesting shorter, simpler alternatives.

  • It allows writers to upload a document and use the editing tool offline, which saves time and improves productivity.


  • Hemingway's service is limited to the desktop app and only works with English.

  • This writing tool does not have any speech to text features.


Both Grammarly and Hemingway aim to make users' writing experience smoother and more effective. However, they have some differences that may make one more fitting than the other.

According to a few tests, Grammarly outshines Hemingway in terms of correcting contextual errors and offering feedback on tone and expression. Hemingway, on the other hand, is better regarded for its suggestions on readability and simplicity.

In short, if you prefer a hands-on approach to your writing or your work process is more extended, Grammarly is most certainly the tool for you. But if you prefer free-flowing writing and appreciate well-crafted reading, Hemingway would be the better option.

Ultimately, consider the preferences of your writing style, the type of content you create, and your budget in choosing between Grammarly and Hemingway.


  1. Grammarly. (2021). AI Writing Assistant. Grammarly.
  2. Hemingway Editor. (2021). Hemingway Editor. Hemingway Editor.

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